Film Reviews
The Invasion (Oliver Hirschbiegel)
A stylish thriller that isn't particularly horrific or thrilling, but nonetheless thought provoking. Everything is just fine.
The Hills Have Eyes II (Martin Weisz)
Rest in peace, Horror. We hardly knew ye.
Lewis Parry reviews... -
Volver (Pedro Almodovar)
Almodovar's award-winning 2006 film, his 16th directorial effort, is now available on DVD.
George Booker reviews... -
Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon (Scott Glosserman)
This slasher-themed mockumentary is another exercise in a tired genre, the self aware horror movie, that manages to find success through craft and intelligence.
George Booker reviews... -
Away From Her (Sarah Polley)
First time director Sarah Polley has crafted one of the most touching dramas - and one of the most hopeful debuts - in recent memory.
George Booker reviews... -
The Simpsons Movie (David Silverman)
Eighteen years after it first aired on TV, Matt Groening's legendary series makes its big screen debut.
George Booker reviews... -
Transformers (Michael Bay)
See 16 year old boy rant about the summer's biggest teenage wet dream.
Lewis Parry reviews... -
1408 (Mikael Hafstrom)
Lewis Parry and Alan Shulman both posted reviews of this film within minutes of each other. It seemed a shame to erase one, so I've included them both here.
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Hostel: Part II (Eli Roth)
Set-up by controversy as despicable, gritty and gory filmmaking, Eli Roth's sequel to his successful predecessor stands as a tame disappointment which might do well on its short-lived hype but won't make it far on word-of-mouth.
Lewis Parry reviews... -
Knocked Up (Judd Apatow)
Knocked Up is not only one of the most innocently raunchy and hilarious films of the decade, but one of the smartest, sharpest, and meaningful. It's a contender for film of the year, and don't take that lightly.
Lewis Parry reviews...