Black Cat Music October November
I suspect that life is very simple for Black Cat Music, and band whose music does exactly what it says on the tin. A four-piece, apparently working out of California, they produce good, honest rock 'n' roll. Now I've criticised a lot of bands for a lack of ambition, and I'm not going to do that here, quite simply because this sets out to do one thing, and with no great shakes, does it. Taking guitars, drums, gravelly vocals, they chuck out rock 'n' rolls standards with titles like The Jet Trash or Hearts of Chrome (RRRAWWKKK). There's one slowy here, although it washed over me like Kant over Paris Hilton. Like chicken soup or Carling, you know exactly what you're getting, and it doesn't disappoint. Neither does it pull up any trees.
If I was going to go all fancy on you, I'd say it sounds like the Mars Volta without any of the fancy boxes or nonsense production. But that's overstating the matter. It sounds like what happens when you listen to Bruce Springsteen for fifteen years. And nothing else. Now what's wrong with that?
26 June, 2004 - 23:00 — Ben Bollig