Music Reviews

Calixia Who Boyhood

(Self-released) Rating - 2/10

All artists have to hype themselves. Alternative rock/trip-hop artist Calixia Who (Brussels born artist Hyden Moore) has taken that concept a little overboard. In describing his debut album Boyhood, the pop artist writes, "Dark, elegant and sexy, the album builds a dramatic tension from song to song, to the heart of Calixia Who’s dark, urban reality." Despite the roadmap, this album really goes nowhere quite fast.

There's obviously an attempt to strive for a minimalist sound, but it falls flat, with little to no innovation or bright, glimmery musical salvation. Yes, the album has created a feel, but not one that has the dangerous urban vibe. Instead, it's bland and feels totally scheduled and rather mundane. Whether it's the completely unmemorable first six or so tracks, the ones that blend into one another for a symphony of great apathy and cliche drum machines, or the bad performance art-rock, complete with (gasp) a violin, that is Powder, it'd all be almost unbearable if it actually meant something in the slightest. Sure, there's bright spots (the deathbed accordion of True and the menacing rumble that is Drain), but there just isn't enough of a sustained effort to make any real difference.

Hype is always a good thing. However, this album's a wonderful example of the downside of hype in that while it can get listeners to the album, it's the content that keeps them. And for Calixia Who, there's nothing to keep you from veering toward more dangerous and entertaining music.