Chris Clark Ceramics is the Bomb
Nice moniker. A bit more catchy than 'David Smith', which is his real name. Actually, that's a lie, but how good would it be if it were true? The Gavel opens up the proceedings, with a Squarepusher-lite acid fit, before opening up into one of the most vital things to come from the Warp stable for a while.
Remember the first time you entered a decent club, before the coat was in the cloakroom; when you were walking through a night and a crowd that was already in motion, with everyone oblivious to everything but the music? Sometimes you hear a tune and the whole world opens up before you in glorious panoramic technocolour (boom boom), suddenly making sense for no other reason other than the fact that you feel it?
I could tell you about the rest of the EP, that Slow Spines melds so effortlessly into track one that it's gone before you stop feeling and start thinking; that Frost Investigation and A.Council are throwaway; that Shonny is a mong-out tune that rises to encapsulate you like desire and then leaves you without warning just when you're enraptured; that Rob Lee is an unfitting tribute to a legend, but if your mind isn't made up by now then I don't know what you want from an EP... if you know anything, then you know what to do.
23 May, 2003 - 23:00 — Pat Harte