Directorsound Redemptive Strikes
Like once forgotten voices from my distant past, the spectre of the pale young male songwriter once again returns to haunt me. Redemptive Strikes is the resultant work of Nick Palmer, from Dorset - possibly the only area of England less Rock and Roll than my native Cumbria.
That doesn't probably bother Palmer too much, as he's gone for the lo-fi, instrumental, atmospheric approach to making music. There's not a word nor lyric to be found at all. Now, this approach can work wonders with me (The Return of The Durutti Column is my all time #1 album to daydream to) and Palmer uses a wide arsenal of instruments throughout to create a series of interesting atmospheres. Puss In Boots is built around a sad accordion melody that you would expect to be playing in the air while seducing (unsuccessfully) a sad looking Literature student in a Paris pavement cafe, while the European flavour is also seen in the Spanish guitar of A Short Story In 2 Shades. Pass the Sangria.
There's a burning talent beneath it all, yet on too many of the pieces it can be hard to get into any level of real emotional involvement; the eclectic nature of the album makes complete immersion into the sounds difficult, though the sole piano of The Rejectee has an almost intolerable air of misery to it deserving on the apt title. Fittingly, Directorsound could be the best possible moniker for Palmer's music, as most of Redemptive Strikes would sound best fitted into a film of some kind. Independent filmmakers may want to contact Palmer soon; the rest of us may find little of interest here, but the more musically adventurous could well love it.
20 July, 2003 - 23:00 — Peter Mattinson