Music Reviews

Koen Holtkamp Gravity/Bees

(Thrill Jockey) Rating - 7/10

Well, this record definitely has one thing going for it – you can put it on, listen for a bit, leave the room for ten minutes, and when you return you’ll have missed nothing!  Seriously though, I realize that if this music is to have any impact it is predicated on you experiencing it as it unfolds, in real time, gathering a cumulative power from repetition and manipulation of dynamics.  I guess that’s how this minimalist/ambient stuff works.  I’m not totally immune to its charms, but it’s also not something I’m going to get behind and trumpet to the mountaintops.  That being said, this mini-lp has some definite ambient appeal and fans of the genre should check it out.  Loosely Based on Bees, for instance, is accurately titled since for 8 minutes it consists of a single chord that buzzes without relent, until it explodes in a random pattern of consonant notes like a hive collectively masturbating to pictures of sexy flowers.  This is not as unappealing as I’m making it sound.  The total lack of ‘wrong notes’ and the uplifting major key make for friendly listening for the most part, and an interesting tension is created by all the overlapping harmonics and increased intensity as the track comes to a close.  The opening track follows a similar pattern, but with a descending four note theme that breaks out about 9 minutes in.  There’s even some slight harmonic variation that creeps in, sounding like a flirtation with the relative minor, to make things a touch more ambiguous. 

My first impression, due to the 70s synth textures and the major diatonic theme, was of a Vangelis record skipping.  Or if you’d like something more up to date, think M83 without the drums.  Overall, the effect is pleasant and engaging, and elevates it above mere background music or the banality of a yoga soundtrack.