Music Reviews
Fang Island Major
Reliably rousing riff-heavy anthems from the crossroads of indie/classic rock, Fang Island as ever sound like "everyone high-fiving everyone".
Stephen Wragg WHOA-OH-OHs... -
Beak> >>
While it hardly tries to reinvent the genre, The second album from Geoff Barrow's side project Beak> offers a chilling, engaging, and surprisingly more accessible take on krautrock that's sure to impress.
Peter Quinton manages to keep his sanity in check as he reviews Barrow's latest oddity -
Heavenly Beat Talent
Beach Fossils bassist John Péna returns to his pre-Fossils moniker to explore sensual ideas, beat-laden impulses and caressing echoes of emotion.
Matthew Bevington explains... -
Nude Beach II
By reconstructing and neatly cataloging their influences for us, Nude Beach have created an album that's as much a testament to their musical heroes as it is a monument to our own.
Joshua Pickard opens the door to his music collection to review... -
Baroness Yellow & Green
The latest effort by the Savannah-based sludge outfit possesses an overabundance of great ideas, but unfortunately falls victim to the crushing weight of its own ambition.
Andrew Ciraulo breaks out his old denim vest and studded leather gauntlets to review the latest effort from Baroness! -
The Antlers Undersea
A year after another brilliant LP, The Antlers have returned with a thought-provoking and enjoyable EP.
Forrest Cardamenis dives... -
Lawrence Arabia The Sparrow
James Milne's third outing as Lawrence Arabia proves his talents as a portentous pop classicist who likes to dress the part of the tortured gentleman through a low simmer of cinereous chamber arrangements.
Chromatics Kill for Love
Perhaps now best known for his contributions to Drive, the latest album bearing Johnny Jewel's signature is unsurprisingly designed for playing when driving down nocturnal, deserted roads. Although running to 90 minutes, it really isn't in a hurry to get anywhere.
Mark Davison is using that as an excuse for this review's lateness... -
OM Advaitic Songs
Advaitic Songs is the second Grails album by OM. That’s an endorsement, by the way.
Sean Caldwell reviews... -
Laetitia Sadier Silencio
As Laetitia Sadier relies more and more on the success of her past band, she fails to realize that you need to eventually produce something new and creative for your fans to hear.
Joshua Pickard turns off Emperor Tomato Ketchup to review...