Music Reviews
The Creepy Crawlies Get Buried!
The Creepy Crawlies are a two-some; a mini-band with an introspective and introverted collective personality. There’s an appealing single, but there’s more to it than that.
Matt Bevington explains... -
Jack White Blunderbuss
With over a decade of music and The White Stripes, The Raconteurs, and Dead Weather all being some variation of "Jack White's band," it seems hard to believe that his first solo album is just now arriving. Still, with one of those bands officially no more and the other two on indefinite hiatus, we knew prolific Jack could not keep quiet for too long, so here he is again.
Forrest Cardamenis reviews... -
Clock Opera Ways To Forget
After slowly building their reputation over the past couple of years with some excellent singles, remixes and live performances, "Chop pop" pioneers Clock Opera have finally gotten around to releasing their debut album. Has it been worth the wait?
Mark Davison rocks out with his clock out... -
Spiritualized Sweet Heart Sweet Light
Spiritualized's seventh release opens a new chapter in Jason Pierce's road to recovery with the same prescription that's kept him full of life for all this time: the majesty of rock n' roll.
Juan Edgardo Rodríguez sees the light... -
The Futureheads Rant
Aggressive guitar and dance beat heavy, post-punk band The Futureheads give us their latest album Rant minus all that guitar and drum nonsense. Wait, what?
Taylor Browne reviews... -
Fun. Some Nights
Nate Reuss, formerly of The Format, stars in the original cast recording of a Broadway musical about teens suffering from amnesia and mistaken identity. Or maybe it's the new Fun. album.
David Hogg is not having fun... -
The Mars Volta Noctourniquet
The Landmine Goes Pop (or, How a Prog Band Learned to Stop Worrying, Listen to Radiohead and Just Say “Yes.”)
Sean Caldwell reviews... -
M. Ward A Wasteland Companion
M. Ward, a name that has been so overshadowed by Zooey Deschanel's infectious celebrity, releases yet another album under his own name. Will it outshine the recent association with She & Him, or will his solo career remain reminiscent of his earlier albums?
David Hogg reviews... -
Madonna MDNA
The Queen of pop's back with her first collection of new material in four years. And while healthy first week sales showed how eagerly anticipated her work still is, the album's subsequent record-breaking drop down the chart's suggests that it perhaps isn't actually that good.
Mark Davison struggles to care either way... -
Siddhartha If It Die
Forget what you thought you were. Forget you name, forget your life. You are what you are. You are an entity of this world.
Indulge your mind...