Music Reviews
Dinosaur Jr. Farm
Dust down your earplugs: J, Lou and Murph are back with another belter.
Nick Fenn reviews... -
Redjetson Other Arms
The last words of a pretty good band.
Ryan Faughnder reviews... -
Sonic Youth The Eternal
Sonic Youth's sixteenth studio album is a landmark release that sees the band returning to its indie label roots.
To celebrate its release, we're posting a handful of reviews from various members of the No Ripcord team... -
The Mars Volta Octahedron
Another album of masturbatory shit-rock from America's worst prog band.
Nate Adams dances on the corpse's ashes... -
Little Boots Hands
After her sensational 2008 single Stuck On Repeat, I had high hopes for Little Boots' debut album. Does Hands justify the hype?
David Coleman reviews... -
Jarvis Cocker Further Complications
Mr. Disco 2000 takes time out from smoking with Marianne Faithfull to record his second solo album, Further Complications.
Joe Rivers reviews for the Common People... -
Richard Swift The Atlantic Ocean
Paul McCartney + Spoon = the first half of The Atlantic Ocean. Then the music starts getting good!
Andy Pareti avoides using any puns of the word "swift" on... -
The Horrors Primary Colours
The tail end of the decade is upon us, and British goth-rockers The Horrors create an album to remember it by.
Sean Caldwell loses some cynicism... -
Magnolia Electric Co. Josephine
Jason Molina returns with new material after a three year absence. But is Josephine worth the wait?
Nick Fenn decides... -
Iggy Pop Préliminaires
“It’s preliminary, uh, to…(*mutters*)… it’s a step in a certain direction musically for me but, uh, because it was a slim volume, I called it that. Um, I wouldn’t be forthcoming if I also didn’t mention that, in French, it means ‘foreplay.’” – Iggy Pop, excerpt from an interview on NPR, 6.1.09
Sean Caldwell reviews...