Music Reviews
Pop. 1280 Imps of Perversion
Pop. 1280's latest album is certainly aggressive, that's for damn sure. But does that necessarily make it a compelling listen?
Peter Quinton reviews Pop. 1280's latest album -
Pure Bathing Culture Moon Tides
The Portland, Oregon duo of Sarah Versprille and Daniel Hindman create dreamy beach pop. Are you ready for the waves?
Michael Iovino reviews... -
Travis Where You Stand
The long-standing Glasgow balladists are back after a five-year break, coming back into the pop arena by writing a soundly crafted set of songs that suits their age and character.
Juan Edgardo Rodríguez reviews... -
Crocodiles Crimes of Passion
The San Diego band's fourth full-length effort has all the sensibilities of classic garage rock, longing for the golden age of rock n' roll.
Carlos Villarreal reviews... -
Washed Out Paracosm
The second full-length album from Washed Out is an opus to everyone’s personal fantasyland. Paracosm is this year’s most soothing accessory to nostalgia.
Randi Dietiker reviews... -
Swim Deep Where The Heaven Are We
Swim Deep are a quartet of seemingly nice guys who explore their adolescent oscillations by the means of a shamelessly poppy debut, maintaining the lackadaisical, languid and dreamy B-Town motif.
Carl Purvis reviews... -
David Lynch The Big Dream
David Lynch is no stranger to the world of music. Whether he's toiling with sound design on Eraserhead or creating the electronic nightmares found on 2010's Crazy Clown Time, Lynch has proven himself capable of creating... err.... something with mere aural elements. But is his latest effort really worth your time?
Andrew Ciraulo reviews... -
Whirr Around
Whirr have found the right blend of shoegaze and loudrock to create a sound that is chilling and stunningly gorgeous.
Bill Haff reviews... -
No Age An Object
No Age rejects the punk aspect of their earlier efforts with An Object, willing to change their narrative without disrupting their established parameters of noise.
Juan Edgardo Rodríguez wants this product... -
Julianna Barwick Nepenthe
Recorded in Reykjavík with Sigur Rós affiliate Alex Somers, Julianna Barwick adds new layers to her spine-tingling ambient vocal loops, submerging you in her opiatic clouds of sound.
Stephen Wragg reviews...