Snowblind The Falls
Seems this has been some time coming, given that the single Cut was reviewed last summer. You'd think that 12 months would have given Snowblind ample time to adjust their sound but it soon becomes clear that this is not the case. Indeed, you'd believe that if members of perennial early 90's janglers the Sundays heard this record, they'd probably sue. Whether that's a compliment or an insult is for up to you to decide.
For those unfamiliar with the above reference, what you get is thus: acoustic rhythm guitars, sub-Smiths electric guitars and tasteful horn/string sections over pleasant enough yet ultimately fairly bland female vocals.
All this doesn't mean it's bad in any way. Of the songs here, none are ever going to make you rail against the injustice of someone having a record contract while you go unappreciated by the world. In parts, it works well. Remain The Same is quite touching and the aforementioned Cut is still catchy in a way that just about lies on the good side of irritating. The worst part of all is for 20 seconds during Summer In The Sun, they depart from their usual sound and move into a Pet Shop Boys/New Order electronica. It's the most engaging, interesting part of the record and leaves you wondering why they didn't follow this route a bit more.
3 September, 2002 - 23:00 — Peter Mattinson