Tindersticks The Something Rain
(Lucky Dog/Constellation Records)
I don’t want to give away the story of Chocolate. It’s not fair to ruin it. What I will say is that I burst out laughing. Then, a few moments later I thought “aww, that’s quite sweet.” I don’t know what it is about Tindersticks but you expect a certain level of seriousness in the spoken word tracks, maybe it’s due to the gorgeous My Sister from Tindersticks II or that they’ve always seemed ever so slightly pretentious, writing scores for French films or having songs of an offensive length. Chocolate itself is nine minutes long, but they just manage to be charming enough in the softness of the instruments and the Alan Bennett style narration that you can’t help but let them off.
That doesn’t mean the other songs are excused for their excessive bagginess. The track length averages in at around six minutes (I did the maths for that in my head, apologies if it’s wrong) and that is nothing to be proud of. I always place them in the same school of thought as Sufjan Stevens: amazing music that lasts FOREVER and makes you want to sit them down and lecture them.
Anyway, rant over.
This album has everything the seasoned Tindersticks fan could possibly wish for, the instrumentation is as sweet as ever, Stuart A. Staples’ singing is soft and each track sways with a dreaminess that makes you drift off. Come Inside is the prime example; it’s a musical blanket, with added saxophone. When Mr. Staples mumbles “come inside, we’ve been expecting you,” the overwhelming urge to close your eyes will surely take hold of you, and if it doesn’t then you must be dead inside.
The album as a whole has that feel; it’s perfect late night or Sunday morning music, though this might damage its broader appeal. Fans of Tindersticks will find a lot to love from The Something Rain, but whether anyone will find this album by chance and fall for it is a whole different kettle of fish. There isn’t a song as exciting as Her was on Tindersticks’ debut and with a combination of length and lack of variation The Something Rain could be quite impenetrable for new listeners. It was hard enough as a fan to feel drawn in to the whole record, though which of Tindersticks’ albums don’t have that problem?
If you’re a fan, buy this album and treasure it. If you’re new to Tindersticks, buy their first two. Then buy this album and treasure it.
1 March, 2012 - 06:36 — James McKenna