TRS-80 Shake Hands with Danger
Hailing from Chicago (I believe), TRS-80 are named after an early Radio Shack computer. Now don't let that put you off, because although this three-piece (I think) are indubitably geeky, they're a lot more DJ Shadow than Bill Gates.
The 13 tracks are gems, brave experiments in the possibility that technology and retro can exist together. That's not to say this is an album for purists or kitsch seekers - there's an astonishing range here, from the Hecker for beginners of Cliff Evans through to the Kiss on steroids of Motoki.
Ever generous, they throw in the insane organ stylings of Phantom Power, the sheer girth and squidginess of Hand Over Fist and the menacing shuffle and slide of Don't mess with Illinois. Add to that the brilliant drum and double-bass closer Math Basket, and you have an album of rare majesty. It's where The Private Press should have gone, what Autechre would sound like with a little more audience consideration. So hey, it's a boys album - it finishes with the words 'That's it till next time bitch'. But hell, it's a good one. Buy it for the man in your life.
15 February, 2004 - 00:00 — Ben Bollig