Worm Is Green Automagic
(Arena Rock Recording Co.)
Another re-release comes from the beautiful region of Iceland. Originally released last year on the established Icelandic label Thule Musik, Worm Is Green's Automagic will come as no surprise to fans of acts such as Múm, Sigur Ros and even Björk.
Harbouring the chilled, electronic soundscapes that seem to dominate the work of many Icelandic artists, Automagic will find a comforting home in the record collection of fans of the aforementioned acts. However, delving deeper below the surface, Worm Is Green fails to ignite the spark that say Finally We Are No One did two years ago.
The melody that seeps throughout is weak and emotionless, having a large part to do with the vocals of chanteuse Gudridur Ringsted. The mundane tone of her voice does very little in charging up the aural senses, even when she sings the words of Ian Curtis on their rendition of Love Will Tear Us Apart. Unfortunately, the cover seems more like a feeble attempt to grab the listener's attention than make it another song in the tracklisting.
While it's always exciting to witness another musical act emerge from a country that is so rich in creative arts, Worm Is Green is a disappointment that you feel bad about for not adoring.
25 April, 2004 - 23:00 — Cam Lindsay