Music Reviews
Bleeding Rainbow Yeah Right
After being struck down by LaVar Burton, Reading Rainbow dies and rises again as Bleeding Rainbow with disapointing results.
Walter Somerville still hasn't found a pot of gold... -
Widowspeak Almanac
The Brooklyn duo provides a good follow-up that helps cement their holding in the new age of dreamy folk rock.
Carlos Villarreal reviews... -
Ethernet Opus 2
Portland ambient composer Tim Gray's music is the result of his academic explorations of the healing properties of sound. Does Opus 2 live up to such lofty ambitions?
Stephen Wragg puts on headphones and meditates... -
The Joy Formidable Wolf's Law
The Welsh power-trio's second album is the same fuzzed-out bombast that their debut showcased, and despite a few missteps, willpower wins out in the end.
Forrest Cardamenis studies... -
This Town Needs Guns, the new album from UK math rock band, This Town Needs Guns, offers listeners very pleasant dexterity exercises in light of the Mayans’ miscalculation.
Sean Caldwell turned 36 on December 21st... -
Toro y Moi Anything in Return
The third album from Toro y Moi explores a new variety of sounds, textures, and influences. Then again, based on past albums, isn't that what's come to be expected?
David Hogg reviews... -
Walking for Pennies Forget About Wonderland
Having created their own combined style of Motown and bluegrass, this dynamic songwriting duo has put together a record that compliments their partnership and their individual talents. It is a very solid debut for a team that is just starting to explore what they can do together.
Joe Marvilli is going down the rabbit hole... -
The California skate punks fuse riotous hijinks with birdbrained self-loathing for the meme generation to take notice.
Juan Edgardo Rodríguez does an alley-oop... -
Nightlands Oak Island
Oak Island by Nightlands is undoubtedly a relaxed listen – words like “AM radio”, “electronic pop” and “1970’s glitter” keep cropping up - and for good reason, but that doesn’t mean it’s a simple album. Listen carefully, or listen a few times, and you’ll find the layers, textures and lyrics reveal a more serious side, hovering just beneath all those tambourines and trumpets.
Melissa Murphy reviews... -
A$AP Rocky Long.Live.A$AP
Self-professed "pretty motherfucker," 24, WLTM many, many women for fun times in the club, and maybe more. Hobbies: rhymes, fashion, and codeine-based beverages.
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