Music Reviews
Dan Friel Valedictorian/Exoskeleton EP
Dan Friel, formerly of Parts & Labor, releases his debut EP on Thrill Jockey with a full-length release coming in February as well. With a substantial noise/rock/experimental repetoire behind him, what does the release through a new label signify at this stage of his career?
Matt Bevington reviews... -
Punks on Mars Bad Expectations
The revisionist-leaning NYC band fronted by Ryan Howe blazes a hyperactive collage of power pop songs controlled by a channel surfer flipping through dozens of music-influenced images at lightning speed.
Juan Edgardo Rodríguez takes a trip... -
Pinback Information Retrieved
Now on their fifth album and showing no signs of progression, Pinback are a strong and unique band who provide a few excellent songs, but may leave you wishing for some curveballs...
But there's one track Stephen Wragg can't stop listening to... -
The Secret Agnus Dei
To call this noise would be an insult to jackhammers.
Alan Shulman reviews -
WARNING: Remove all valuables from the room before playing this record and wear a helmet.
Matt Bevington tells you why... -
Godspeed You! Black Emporer Allelujah! Don't Bend! Ascend
The mighty GY!BE returns and leaves a trail of dead in their wake.
Alan Shulman reviews -
Diamond Rings Free Dimensional
John O'Regan dons the Diamond Rings mantle for another set of shining electro-pop. But does the glare hide a lack of relevancy?
Joshua Pickard reviews... -
Paul Banks Banks
The enigmatic Interpol frontman has tweaked both his name and his tune. But is he finally ready to shed light over who he really is?
Juan Edgardo Rodríguez reviews... -
Sky Ferreira Ghost EP
Sky Ferreira's second EP finds the singer in the midst of a musical identity crisis. Rather than continue the electronic direction she established for herself, she has chosen to branch out down several different paths. While the songs are a significant improvement over her first EP, the lack of cohesion holds this record back.
Joe Marvilli thinks this EP's title is perfect for Halloween.... -
Trash Talk 119
While their are certainly plenty of intense moments to account for on 119, Trash Talk's latest album suggests that the California hardcore group are beginning to lose the balance they only recently perfected.
Peter Quinton talks some constructive criticism about Trash Talks latest release