Music Reviews
Ben Frost By the Throat
Composing rising and falling anthems of crashing noise and lilting fuzz, there is a muddled, trance-like fantasy to be found within By the Throat’s dark halls.
Daniel Rivera reviews... -
Shining Blackjazz
“Destructive mathematics” or “perilous prog?” They call this “Blackjazz.”
Sean Caldwell reviews... -
Times New Viking Born Again Revisited
There's little reward for those who brave the abrasive washes of noise and fuzz that characterize shitgaze trio Times New Viking's latest album.
Michael Skinnider reviews... -
Real Estate Real Estate
Real Estate achieves one of the most ambitious debuts of the current lo-fi generation, even if it relies more in regression than it innovation.
Juan Edgardo Rodríguez reflects on what a summer's day truly meant... -
Blakroc Blakroc
If Blakroc is the Black Keys' first attempt at tapping the rap market, they aren't far off...but they aren't there yet.
Andy Pareti reviews... -
The Drums Summertime!
New York's saddest surf-rockers release six new-wave ditties to give me some sunshine amid the fog-bank created by my 2009 indulgence in The Flaming Lips and The Dead Weather. Thanks, guys.
Ryan Faughnder reviews -
Tom Waits Glitter and Doom Live
Tom Waits probably didn't take his 2008 tour through a city near you, but he was nice enough to let us all in on what exactly went on behind the closed doors of his shows. The results, not surprisingly, are entrancing.
Andy Pareti thinks the piano has been drinking again... -
Flight of the Conchords I Told You I Was Freaky
New Zealand's fourth-most-popular guitar-based digi-bongo-acapella-rap-funk-comedy folk duo releases their second studio album.
Michael Skinnider reviews... -
Jemina Pearl Break It Up
Be Your Own Pet front woman Jemina Pearl returns to fill a void that no one wanted filled: indie teen pop idol.
Andrew Baer would love this if he were his sister five years ago... -
Simian Mobile Disco Temporary Pleasure
Sadly, they're not monkeys and regrettably, they're not particularly portable. But do they know how to D.I.S.C.O?
Joe Rivers puts on his glad-rags, and heads out to the city...