Music Reviews
The Twilight Sad Forget The Night Ahead
The follow up to 2007's Fourteen Autumns and Fifteen Winters fails to match the dizzy heights of its predecessor.
Nick Fenn reviews... -
Jason Urick Husbands
Background music? Not unless the foreground is even more interesting than this album.
Ryan Faughnder reviews... -
Califone All My Friends Are Funeral Singers
Califone returns with yet another solid set of interesting folk-rock songs.
Andrew Baer enjoys himself well enough... -
Flaming Lips Embryonic
The Flaming Lips rediscover their psych-rock roots.
Brett Oronzio reviews... -
Mission of Burma The Sound, the Speed, the Light
The Sound, the Speed, the Light, Mission of Burma's third album since their unexpected comeback, brings back the raw immediacy that defined their flawless execution in the eighties.
Juan Edgardo Rodríguez can't escape his fate to write this review... -
Or, the Whale Or, the Whale
"To produce a mighty book, you must choose a mighty theme. No great and enduring volume can ever be written on the flea, though many there be who have tried it" - Herman Melville
Ryan Faughnder reviews... -
Raekwon Only Built For Cuban Linx Part 2
If Raekwon's latest is his best in years and one of the best of the year, why is also such a bummer?
Nate Adams struggles with time travel, rap music... -
Locrian Drenched Lands
Drenched Lands, debut album from Chicago pensive metal band, Locrian, inspires one to lose oneself in darkness.
Sean Caldwell could really use a flashlight... -
Air Love 2
After the cohesive-to-a-fault Pocket Symphony, Air throws down the gauntlet with their most eclectic disc to date. And by gauntlet, I mean rotating bed with silk sheets, purple shag rug and a bottle of Bordeaux's finest.
Ryan Pratt makes a Kid Rock comparison, dies a little inside... -
The Dodos Time To Die
The Dodos follow up last year's mini-triumph with a slick disappointment.
Brett Oronzio reviews...